This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. This is just about where he gets placed.” “Canadians should be concerned with the interference by our government in the judicial system without waiting for the facts to come out. Canadians should be concerned with the interference by our government in the judicial system without waiting for the factsĮdney chastised the prime minister for his comment. “This is an individual who, as you know, pled guilty to very serious crimes including murder and it is very important that we continue to vigorously defend against any attempts, in court, to lessen his punishment for these heinous acts,” Harper said, while answering a larger question about fears Muslim youth are being radicalized. Prime Minister Stephen Harper waded into the debate during a Monday news conference in Ottawa. That’s for Parliament … There is no discretion that was exercised that needs to be reviewed,” Rooke said. Jason Franson / The Canadian Press Photo by Jason Franson / The Canadian Press He said the case is about interpretation of the law. Manage Print Subscription / Tax Receipt.